In this online game Magical Pony Caring, girls will be engaged in the treatment and care of the pony from the cartoon "Friendship is magic." Today in Ponyville annual horse race is held. It rained during the competition. Spark slipped on the dirt and fell into a ravine. The poor pony is wounded and in need of care and treatment. Immediately in the game, select leaves from the fur and redeem the horse. Wipe the body with a towel and wipe the ears with cotton wool. Blow dry and comb. Next, change the Sparkle spoiled horseshoe. Remove it, clean the hoof and nail a new one. Then grab the pony treatment game. Listen to the heart, measure the temperature, make an injection, treat the wounds and have endless fun with Magical Pony Caring game.
is one of our selected pony games which can be played for free at
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