Galician Pony

Galician Pony

Galician Pony : The Galician Pony is native to Spain. It is developed in the small province of Galicia in northwest Spain thus takes its name. The alternative names for the breed are Gallego, Cabalo Galego, Jaca Gallega, Faza Galizana, Poni Galaga, Poney Gallego, and Poldro Galacio. Like all ponies, the Galician has the similar ancestors.

In fact, they are all descended by crossbreeding between Celtic, Roman horses and other horses that were brought to northern Spain by Germanic tribes. Later on, each has evolved separately according to the different geographic and climate environment. The Galician pony is well suited to the natural wet and difficult climate conditions that are overcoming the low mountains in the northwest Spain.

These conditions made them very rugged and tough, so they are roaming free in an area from Portugal to Scotland. It is an ancient breed of pony that was largely exported from Spain to the New World, during the 16th century. At that period the Galician pony had an influence on the Galiceno horse breed in Mexico that is developed from this pony breed and the Garrano horse from Portugal.

By some opinions, it also had an influence on the feral Mustang horse, but it is not confirmed for certain. According to a study that was made in 1973 there were around 20000 Galician Ponies in Spain. The first studbook was opened in 1994 and their population number has significantly decreased due to the sanitary problems that they cause. Today they are protected and regulated by the Galician government, which is trying to increase their number.
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