Flappy Little Pony

Flappy Little Pony

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Flappy Little Pony : Flappy Little Pony is the game you`ve been searching for! Its either gonna make you totally happy get you mad! However, one thing is for sure you`ll be excited and glad you chose to play one of the best games out there. The aim of the game is to make a long distance as possible without crashing into the obstacles. There are two modes in which you can compete against your friend, with the Two-Player mode, or play the One Player mode and play with only one little pony. If you play alone you can set the control key simple by clicking one of the two offered on the screen. Choose the mouse control and fly your pony with the click of the left mouse button. Choose the Space Bar control key and tap to fly. In the second, Two Player mode, the first pony flies with Space Bar and the other one with the up arrow key. Unlike the One Player mode where you have only one life, in the Two-Player mode, each pony gets five chances to get the higher score. Compete, fly and have fun!
The game Flappy Little Pony is working on most Android, >Apple iOS and Windows Phone devices...