Explore Ponywille

Explore Ponywille

Explore Ponywille : Are you ready to Explore Ponyville? Join Twilight Sparkle and her friends in this incredible adventure. The story began when Twilight Sparkle came back from her stay in the Canterlot Castle. She waited for the moment to meet her friends so much and to spend quality time with them. In this flash game that you can play on horse-games.org, your mission is to explore all houses in the neighbor. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and the rest of the gang welcome you in their homes. There you can see which pony has an interest in which activity, their hobbies and much more. Use your mouse to click on items and move around using the keyboard arrow keys. Explore Ponyville is a long game story that you will enjoy for a long time.
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