Arabian Horse

Arabian Horse

Arabian Horse : The Arabian is one of the most popular and oldest horses in the world. They are also known as Arab horse and their country of origin is the Arabian Peninsula. People of the Middle East domesticated Arabian horses by 1500 B.C. Today they are spread all around the world.

The main reason is that many breeders crossed them with others because of their speed, refinement, endurance and strong bone. Thus in many modern breeds run Arabian blood. The first Arabian horses reached the European continent in the 16th - 17th Centuries, and were imported in America in the 18th century from then they revolutionized horse breeding. Arabian were highly prized by the Bedouins and to protect them from thieves they were often brought in their homes, living near children, though they are hot-blooded breed, which refers to their temperament.

Arabian is easily recognizable because of its distinguishing features. They have a refined, distinctive head shape with a broad forehead, small muzzles, large eyes, and nostrils. Head is set on an arched neck with well-set windpipe. The level croup is long, carries its tail high and has good hove walls. Solid, dense and strong bone is another distinctive feature and some Arabians have 5 lumbar vertebrae rather than 6, and 17 pairs of ribs instead of 18.

The body is compact with a short back hip is deep, well-angled and has a well-back shoulder. Depending on the individuals some has more powerful muscled hindquarters, which makes them great in intense bursts of activity while others have longer and leaner muscling that makes them better for endurance riding or horse racing.
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