Dolphin Diving

Dolphin Diving

Dolphin Diving : Dolphin Diving is a cool dolphin game in which you need to help this adorable dolphin perform as more tricks as possible and earn a high score. Your job is to speed as you swim and then go up above the water. Once you are in midair, you can perform special moves and thus present a trick. The most important thing is to make the perfect landing and thus earn maximum points. In Dolphin Diving, you have three attempts, with which you can receive the top score. Press the left and right keyboard arrow keys repeatedly to make the dolphin swim to the surface and then press left and right arrows to turn to the left or right and make a flip or up and down arrow keys to do different tricks. Score a combo and remember that you have to enter the water with your nose first. Otherwise, you will get penalty points for a bad landing. Good luck with Dolphin Diving.
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