Asturcon Horse

Asturcon Horse

Asturcon Horse : The Asturcon is a pony that has originated from the rustic Asturian regions of northern Spain. The Asturcon is a cross between Sorraia horse of Iberia, Garrano of northern Portugal and Celtic pony, though their ancestries are not known for certain.

The Asturcon has a natural ambling gait that is characteristic by alternate moving both legs on one side. Neither of its ancestries, the Sorraia, and Garrano bloodlines, produce ambling gait, so it is thought that they are gamblers because of Celtic ponies blood present in the breed. Until recently it was considered as a nearly extinct breed, but thanks to the efforts of activist groups their population might increase, as well as their overall protection.

The reason they have faced extinction was due to the advent of mechanization and harsh geographical conditions in their habitat. Although activists did many efforts to preserve the breed, by protecting them in nature reserves of Asturias, their pure form is still in danger. Today they present a symbol of the Asturian culture. The name of the breed comes from two words -Astur- Asturias and with- Mountain, therefore, Asturcon means horse of Asturias Mountains.

It is of Roman origin and many prehistoric paintings of this horse breed appear in the Asturian region. Originally the Asturcon lived in the wild but was domesticated for agriculture and transportation. Their features were appreciated thus were used for work in mines of Valencia.
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