Pony Dress Up

Pony Dress Up

Pony Dress Up : Pony Dress Up is Online Pony Game which can be played at Horse-Games.org. Its time to make up your own virtual pony! Use your mouse to select from a rainbow of options and create the pony of your dreams. You can choose from wings, tops, bottoms, shoes, horns, hair, and decorations. Your pony is sitting under a rainbow and so anything goes. When you are done you can get the code of your pretty pony and post it on your own website to share with your family and friends. Pony Dress Up is a horse game sure to tickle the imagination of any little girl!
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Unfortunately The game Pony Dress Up does not working on most Android, >Apple iOS and Windows Phone devices... But stay on horse-games.org and play thousand free online mobile and html5 games.