Money Movers 2

Money Movers 2

Money Movers 2 : Money Movers 2 is a physic puzzle based game. You can play the game for free without any registrations at This story is just a new sequel of the two brothers lives. They just came out of jail, but the letter they got from their father is sending them back to that place. It will be no problem at all for these two, and besides, they can even collect some money on their way. One of the brothers will move to the left/ right by pressing A/ D keyboard keys, he will jump with W key and lean by pressing S key. The other brother moves by using the arrow keys of your keyboard. This means that you can play Money Movers 2 with your best friend and spend some quality fun time. You will have to help one another or you will fail the mission and easily get caught by the prison guards. Avoid all the other obstacles and dangers at any cost and find the exit of each level. As the old saying says- like father, like sons! Find and save the father at the end of the 20th level and they will live happily ever after.
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