Magical Match Three

Magical Match Three

Magical Match Three : Discord came in Equestria and stole all the colors. Now, Magical Match Three is a mission and it is your job to get all the colors back and make Equestria the most beautiful place for living again. Help Twilight Sparkle use her magic and make a match of three or more blocks. Use your mouse to click and hold on one block and move it around in order to make the match. Remember that you can click and drag the only side to side or up and down by changing places of only two blocks next to each other. As you make the matches you can note that the image on the left side of the screen will get more and more colors. Playing the first level is much easier because you have only three symbols at the disposal, while on the second level you have four symbols, which makes the game quite trickier. Save Equestria with Magical Match Three and have fun.
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