Gonna Fly

Gonna Fly

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Gonna Fly : Gonna Fly is a game that has already won the Play Store and is now available on our website. It is a game for everyone who does not have memory on their mobile device to download the application. Well, Gonna Fly is also a game for those who prefer to play on a PC. We must help these animals fly away in a Flappy Bird-style game, although with some differences. You will need to go through the blocks, collecting coins to unlock new skins. You will have not only to fly but also slide on the ground to dodge the columns. Fly and slide alternately, as the situation requires, and go as far as possible on the Gonna Fly. Gonna Fly is free to play, and it is one of our best penguin games that we have chosen for you. Enjoy, and have fun!
The game Gonna Fly is working on most Android, >Apple iOS and Windows Phone devices...