Friesian Horse Plays Football

Friesian Horse Plays Football

Friesian Horse Plays Football : Watch a wonderful video of a cute purebred Friesian colt. Meet an adorable, little colt Argent LF that was foaled in February 2008. Here, he is only a few months old and he looks gorgeous... and how would not he be?! His parents are Tsjerk 328 and Abel 344, both of them beautiful purebred Friesian horses. Argent LF wants to play football all day long and he will never get bored. There is only one thing that can take his attention from his favorite game dinner. It is obvious that he will have a bright future, simply due the amazing talent which he possesses. Playful, intelligent, courageous and so lovely with a great sense of fun he wins all our hearts. The song in the background makes the video completely outstanding.
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