Fireboy and Watergirl Go Fishing

Fireboy and Watergirl Go Fishing

Fireboy and Watergirl Go Fishing : In Fireboy and Watergirl Go Fishing, our little friends decided to go to the lake and go fishing a little. If you want to join them, then go ahead! You can play alone or call a friend to arrange a fishing trip. The company is always welcome. In the Single-player mode, you will go to the lake and fish with Fireboy. But in the Two-player mode, you will have a great opportunity to play with Fireboy and Watergirl. Also, you can choose a standard mode with levels or an endless mode. It all depends on your mood.

Fireboy and Watergirl will sit with fishing rods in two different boats, and under them, there will be clear water in which fish swim. Use WASD to move Fireboy and the arrow keys are for Watergirl. Try to hook the largest fish and immediately pull it out. The more fish you catch, the more points you earn. But be careful not to hook trash, a tin can or a bomb. You will get gold for the fish, and if you catch the garbage, you`ll lose a few coins. For the money, you can speed up the work of the reel on a fishing rod or buy scissors in order to cut the fishing line in time if garbage gets on the hook. Enjoy the Fireboy and Watergirl Go Fishing game and good luck!
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