Duck Life Battle

Duck Life Battle

Duck Life Battle : Duck Life Battle is a great duck surviving challenging game. Have you ever thought about duck`s lives? Ducks swim all day in the pond and peck green juicy grass. But now we will introduce you to ducks, who will confirm that duck life can be very eventful and interesting. Ready? If you said yes, then, welcome to the children`s game, Duck Life Battle. First, you need to create your character. Choose the color of your duck, and then the hairstyle, color, and shape of the eyes. Now it remains only to choose a name, and you can safely go to meet adventures. You will find yourself on a small farm where you have a lot to do. Explore the territory in search of gold coins, and then go to the barn for training. There, you can pump your duckling and earn gold coins. They need to be spent in the store for weapons that will help you in battles with other ducklings. After each victory, opponents will give you useful items, and you will be able to complete tasks in the game. Enjoy the Duck Life Battle game and good luck!
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