Dinosaurs Jurassic Survival World

Dinosaurs Jurassic Survival World

Dinosaurs Jurassic Survival World : Dinosaurs Jurassic Survival World is a survival shooting game in which the main characters are enormous dinosaurs from the past. In this awesome 3D game, you must help our hero survive this harsh world. You can choose to play as a single-player or in multiple surviving challenges. Set the necessary options and begin the adventure. Use the keyboard arrow keys or WASD to move and Space Bar to jump. Aim with your mouse and click the left mouse button to shoot a dinosaur. Be careful because you don`t know where can a dinosaur attack you. Reload your gun with R key, interact with the E key, and duck by pressing the C keyboard key. Switch a weapon by pressing 1 or 2 keys of your keyboard and keep your eyes wide open in this incredibly addicting game - Dinosaurs Jurassic Survival World.
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