Dino Meat Hunt New Adventure

Dino Meat Hunt New Adventure

Dino Meat Hunt New Adventure : Dino Meat Hunt is a New Adventure for all boys and girls. This challenge is a two-player game for all those who like to participate in the adventures of two dinosaur kids traveling around the world in search of adventure. Today we will continue the journey in the new version of the game with new Dino adventures. Each of the dinosaurs has its powerup that will help you pass the most difficult sections of the path. So, for example, the smaller dinosaur can jump high and is not afraid of water, his friend, who can attack the enemy more and boldly jump into the fire. Also, both dinosaurs can use each other to jump even higher. Use the keyboard arrow keys to help the bigger dinosaur move around and K/ L keys to attack, while the younger dino friend will move with WASD. Twenty fun dino levels are waiting for you, so play Dino Meat Hunt New Adventure and have fun.
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