Adam and Eve 5 Part 1

Adam and Eve 5 Part 1

Adam and Eve 5 Part 1 : Adam and Eve 5 Part 1 is an excellent game and it is not just one more sequel of the Adam and Eve series. Today you will have the opportunity to learn all about the mythical characters Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve are the first people on earth who have suffered a worse fate.

But it was a long time ago, and now we present to you an amazing, entertaining online game where you can help primitive people find their true love. As is known from history, Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise because they succumbed to the insidious snake.

Now Adam and Eve want to return home, but this will not be easy. The way home is very long and it will not be very easy to go through it. But if you are ready to help Adam and Eve, then your adventure begins right now! The main character - Adam, you will play him in the first part. As soon as you enter the game, your first action will be to clear the way for Adam, so that he could cross the road safe and sound. First, you need to think carefully about what is preventing Adam from moving, and then figuring out how to fix this problem. Take your time, think about each step and click on everything around. If you have learned how to clear the path for Adam, after all, click on it and if you did everything right, Adam will go in the direction to his beloved Eve.
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